Well, yesterday I got the call that I "thought" was locking things in... But today, I got the call that unlocked everything. Apparently by the time PMI submitted my paperwork, the company had already decided to put a halt on interviews and settled on two applicants that were in the system already.. FRAAAKKK!
This new career path is ending before it even begins!
Now we are putting in my paperwork with another company that was interested, but if this one doesn't work out, I may not be able to attend the school as they have no other leads for me. The past 2+ months have been dedicated to getting into this program and now we are up against the wall and not having luck finding a company to sponsor me. I have credible sea time experience, a college degree, business experience, liveaboard experience, yet for whatever reason, not many nibbles. I'm beginning to think that I might have stepped on a crack somewhere or walked under a ladder and didn't realize it. I'm a good person, hard working, reliable, trustworthy, punctual, fit, respectful, honest, experienced, pleasant.... Yet that seems to matter very little. Frustration.
I don't really have strong back-up plan... That's what sucks. If schooling isn't an option, then I'm forced to hitting the streets and knocking on doors of companies to start full-time work as a deckhand. This route without schooling is 5-6 year path minimum to get where I want to be. The school would have cut 3-4 years off of that. The "Hawsepipe" method of climbing ranks is fine, but I was really hoping to get there sooner given that I've put in a fair amount of time at sea already. Next week is a new week, lets see what happens.